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179 Bridge Street, Las Vegas, NM 87701

Grants Awarded

Outdoor Recreation Trail+
San Miguel County

The objective of this project is to establish an educational heritage apple orchard in the Gallinas River Park, Las Vegas, with trails linking city center landmarks to other natural spaces. Underpinned by tradition, the orchard plans an educational initiative, engaging local youth with seniors to preserve agricultural knowledge, and promoting leadership, outdoor work, and cultural roots through community events. The orchard, featuring over 20 heritage apple trees and various other plants, aims to cultivate values of self-reliance, nourish appreciation for local food production amongst youth, and enhance the community appreciation for the rich heritage and vibrant ecosystem of Rio Gallinas.

Total Grants Awarded: $99,385

The West Las Vegas School District consistently continues to revise its curricula and implement new and innovative programs to allow its graduates from West Las Vegas High School to enter society and the general workforce with the ability to solve problems, be aware of technological changes, and employ technological applications. Graduates will possess skills allowing them to utilize free time on task effectively. Students will be prepared to use critical thinking skills and capitalize on logic and common sense in resolving day-to-day problems. More importantly, the district upholds the human aspect and respect for individuals of different cultural backgrounds and races, as well as respect for the environment, nature, wildlife, and those with whom it shares its existence in a democratic society within our community, state, country, planet, and universe. The district’s ultimate goals are to produce graduates who can compete globally for employment and continue to pursue education for self-growth. The West Las Vegas School District is committed to nondiscrimination and provides an equal opportunity for admission, access, and participation in its educational programs and activities. Each academic course, education program, or activity is open entirely to enrollment and participation by any person who has been admitted to any school within the West Las Vegas School District and who meets the pre-requisites of the course, educational program, or activity.