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PO Box 10717, Albuquerque, NM 87184
Grant Received County Amount
Outdoor Equity Fund 2023 Rio Arriba County $14,600
Trails+ 2021 Bernalillo County $21,250
Trails+ 2022 Bernalillo County $54,297
Trails+ 2023 Taos County $49,495
Outdoor Equity Fund 2021 Bernalillo County $7,700
Outdoor Marketing Grant 2024 Bernalillo County $19,920
Outdoor Equity Fund 2020 Bernalillo County $13,000
Total Grants Awarded $180,262

Global Opportunities Unlimited, Inc. of Albuquerque, NM, was founded in August 2005, with a mission to help disabled people with compromised mobility participate in outdoor adaptive sports and recreation activities. Over the past 18 years we have successfully built new adaptive programming and it has blossomed in New Mexico. Some of the now established adaptive programming includes adaptive fishing, adaptive archery, hand-cycling (on–road and off–road), off-road wheelchair trekking and hunting. In 2019 we took over the running and administration of the New Mexico Chapter of The United Spinal Association hosting weekly and monthly gatherings of people living with spinal cord injuries. In 2020 we took on the task of providing New Mexico Department of Game and Fish with a weekly fishing report; Those efforts have helped us to connect with our states disability community and facilitate numerous adaptive fishing activities. In 2023, we expanded our impact by providing consultation services to New Mexico State Parks and other local organizations interested in providing high quality access projects that serve the interests of disabled persons outdoor recreation. Thousands of lives have been changed and the quality of life for people living with disabilities is now better than ever due to the increase in access to opportunity. We serve children and adults with a wide range of mobility limitations. With all our programs the theme is ADAPT – OVERCOME – SUCCEED.