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6800 Gonzlaes RD SW, Albuquerque, NM 87121
Grant Received County Amount
Outdoor Equity Fund 2021 Bernalillo County $7,022.10
Outdoor Equity Fund 2023 Bernalillo County $40,000
Total Grants Awarded $47,022.10

Founded over twenty years ago, Mark Armijo Academy’s (MAA) mission is to provide a quality and relevant education in a community that promotes caring and belonging for all students, especially those who seek a more personal and innovative educational setting. MAA is a 9th – 12th grade public charter high school serving 206 students who above 90% qualify for free and reduced lunch and over 90% are of Hispanic/Latino backgrounds. MAA successful completed a Youth Conservation Corps partnership over the course of the past 12-months and will apply to become a YCC site and integrate Outdoor Equity Funding and YCC to create access to the outdoors for our students and community. A high percentage of youth have had a limited experience in the outdoors, how MAA has been building a comprehensive outdoor education strategy integrating multiple funding streams and operating under the MAA Community Schools Initiative.