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15 A Bay Poe, Nambe Pueblo, NM 87506
Grant Received County Amount
Trails+ 2024 Nambe County $99,999
Total Grants Awarded $99,999

The Nambe Falls Recreation Area is a place where people can go to enjoy the outdoors and spend time with family and friends. We provide hiking trails and campgrounds in the lower park and a reservoir above where we offer fishing and kayak rentals. The Recreation Area is also a source of revenue for the tribe and it’s community programs. We have two trails to get to the natural waterfalls that are visited by numerous visitors throughout the operating season. The overlook trail takes people to the top where they can see all three waterfalls from above. The lower waterfalls trail takes them along the stream and gets them into the waterfalls. The Tribal Rangers are there to ensure that all visitors and tribal members can safely enjoy there time at the Recreation Area.