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5486 Mirasol Dr, Las Cruces, NM 88007
Grant Received County Amount
Outdoor Equity Fund 2023 Dona Ana County $30,000
Total Grants Awarded $30,000

Our mission is to provide a welcoming and structured environment to introduce individuals to mountain biking within the southern New Mexico region. Creating riders for life by highlighting the joys and benefits of riding and the outdoors while also promoting and facilitating a path for the development of riding skills from beginner to advanced, technical mountain biking. Our biggest goal within our mission is to get as many kids on bikes that we possibly can. We have recently completed our very first 10 week youth program reaching a total of 12 students from Centennial High School’s outdoor club and of that 12, a total of 7 completed the majority of classes. These were all kids that had never mountain biked before. The program culminated in these kids doing their first ever tail ride on the OMDP monument trails in the Doña Ana Mountain’s trail system. All 7 of those have expressed interest to return next fall, along with several new students interested. We currently have 2 PMBIA certified instructors that lead classes with 6 other individuals who have committed to getting certified including the teacher heading the outdoor club.