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PO Box 140, Pecos, NM 87552
Grant Received County Amount
Outdoor Equity Fund 2023 San Miguel County $14,900
Total Grants Awarded $14,900

We are a community-based grass-roots organization with a common interest in protecting, maintaining and improving the health of both the watershed and the local economy and cultures. Additional purposes of the UPWA are: To provide information about the watershed and serve as a focal point for watershed issues, providing a forum for discussion and development of strategies to meet recreational needs, honor historical uses, and improve the health of the watershed. To seek additional funding to improve the condition and management of the Pecos watershed through the implementation of the Watershed Restorative Action Strategy, educational outreach and hands-on restoration projects. To organize volunteer projects such as river clean-ups and field trips that engage stakeholders and anyone with an active interest in benefiting the watershed. To engage in a process of improving the health of the river itself through monitoring issues of turbidity, excessive nutrient levels and temperatures. To review projects with the aim of correcting problems and replicating successful actions in other parts of the watershed. We cannot do this alone! We are a group of volunteers limited only by our numbers. You can do a lot or a little; no effort is too small. Volunteer for a UPWA project, become a stakeholder, make a tax-deductible donation, attend one of our meetings. UPWA Goals Protect and improve the health of the watershed Address significant ecological, and environmental issues in the watershed Preserve traditional and cultural uses and benefit the local economy