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1000 Cordova Pl, #415, Santa Fe, NM 87505
Grant Received County Amount
Outdoor Equity Fund 2021 Santa Fe County $20,000
Outdoor Equity Fund 2023 Santa Fe County $31,200
Total Grants Awarded $51,200

YouthWorks is a nonprofit formed in 2001 to address the gaps in services in Santa Fe and northern New Mexico for alternative education, job skills training and certification programs for youth and young adults seeking access to opportunity, academic completion, community connection and relevant workforce skills. YouthWorks has served thousands youth since its grassroots beginning-leveraging positive results for Opportunity Youth through innovative social justice initiatives, community-benefitting projects and youth-driven social enterprises. YouthWorks culturally relevant alternative education programs, paid work-based learning opportunities, social enterprises, environmental restoration/conservation training programs, green-jobs in the trades, direct employment placement and experiences are an impactful catalyst for transformation. YouthWorks engages youth ages 14-25 in northern New Mexico who experience marginalization as a result of social, economic, family, school, legal or housing issues. YouthWorks serves over 1,000 youth each year. YouthWorks serves a 94% low-income population, with 74% Hispanic, 6% Native American, 64% male, 35% female, 1% other, and over 36% presenting as housing insecure. 85% of YouthWorks participants are non-traditional learners who have experienced considerable educational and societal setbacks, and 25% have been involved with juvenile justice and foster care systems. YouthWorks model is designed to positively impact youth through mentoring and experiential learning to promote practical skills attainment. YouthWorks imparts social skills; fosters leadership development and community engagement; increases interpersonal and communication skills and develops leadership and responsibility through classroom-based and hands-on education leading to meaningful employment, higher education, and career trajectories. Our young adult engagement model links a combination of youth-centered and client-driven programming in a strategic wrap-around system of services that includes the support of case managers and counselors for navigation toward health, stability, and wellness. YouthWorks array of programs, trainings and paid work opportunities strengthen youth abilities to achieve their educational and employment goals and secure positive outcomes for success, community attachment and elevated socioeconomic futures. In the past year, YouthWorks was integral in collaboration with the regional Work Based Learning Task Force to promote the exact style and model of our own work to other institutions and organizations. YouthWorks acted in the capacity of Steering Committee Member for the year-long preparation for a regional Work Based Learning (WBL) conference. In this role YouthWorks assisted to design and conduct a regional two-day WBL conference that registered over 250 partners including Los Alamos National Labs Foundation, Santa Fe Community College, Northern New Mexico College, Regional Economic Development District, New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions, schools/educators, nonprofits, and employers/businesses and trades unions. YouthWorks has partnered with the City, conservation trainers, colleges and nonprofits to secure and advance additional solar and water conservation paid certification training and experiential work opportunities for youth with the potential for full employment with trainer/employers. YouthWorks has sought and won five separate U.S. Department of Labor (DOL-ETA) YouthBuild contracts to engage, educate, train and credential young people ages 16-24 in the construction trades in partnership with Santa Fe Habitat for Humanity and the culinary/hospitality industry fields in key partnership with the NM and Santa Fe Restaurant Association.