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P.O. Box 3835, Albuquerque, NM 87190-3835
Grant Received County Amount
Outdoor Equity Fund 2023 Bernalillo County $40,000
Total Grants Awarded $40,000

The Adobe Whitewater Club serves as New Mexico’s largest membership organization for river recreation, offering education, stewardship, advocacy, and social opportunities for paddlers of all skill levels and backgrounds. From club trips and member meetings to on-shore river cleanups and summer clinics, to the historic downriver Mother’s Day Races, the AWC works to make loving and exploring rivers as easy, safe, and fun as possible. A few highlights in recent years include the successful efforts to maintain and restore stream access and the public right to waterways through litigation over efforts to privatize waterways in our state, as well as outdoor equity efforts such as hosting two Diversify Whitewater Community River Floats and Environmental Justice Paddle Tours, bringing over 100 first-time paddlers from the South Valley and other communities of color on the Rio Grande in Albuquerque.