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1801 4th Street NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102
Grant Received County Amount
Trails+ 2023 Bernalillo County $130,000
Trails+ 2022 Bernalillo County $295,000
Total Grants Awarded $425,000

The City of Albuquerque’s Parks and Recreation Department is responsible for maintaining nearly 300 parks, 150 miles of multi-use trails, more than 30,000 acres of Major Public Open Space, four municipal golf courses, and numerous aquatics and recreation facilities throughout Albuquerque. Hundreds of employees across six divisions within the Department take pride in ensuring Albuquerque residents have great facilities to foster a vibrant and healthy community. Parks and Recreation Department Mission Statement: Protect, plan, enhance, and maintain a Parks, Major Public Open Space, and Trails System that gives Albuquerque its sense of place. Promote economic development and tourism by continuing to provide quality, affordable facilities and programs. Assure quality educational programs for youth to encourage positive behavior towards a conservation ethic. Provide quality recreation programs to encourage healthy, active lifestyles for all ages. Encourage and develop a healthy and safe work environment, ethical management practices, and a spirit of teamwork for all Parks and Recreation employees. Parks & Recreation Department Goals: Promote and Market Albuquerque’s Recreation Programs, Parks, Golf Courses, and Open Space. Develop New Strategies to Improve Albuquerque’s Leisure, Recreation, and Sports Facilities and Programs. Conserve and Sustain Albuquerque’s Natural and Cultural Resources for Future Generations. Meet Youth Entertainment and Sports Needs and Expectations. Maintain Harmony with Community and Neighborhood Associations. Ensure Every Visitor has a Quality Experience. Involve and Empower Community Groups. Increase Customer Confidence. Respond to Customer Needs Every Day of the Week.