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214 S. Love St., Lovington, NM 88260
Grant Received County Amount
Trails+ 2024 Lea County $500,000
Total Grants Awarded $500,000

The City of Lovington, Lea County is a unit of local government under the Constitution and laws of the state of New Mexico. The city is comprised of a commission of five elected officials. Located in southeast New Mexico, Lovington is uncrowded, friendly, and progressive. Lovington enjoys a dry temperate climate, has clean water and air, low taxes, and low crime rate. Lovington is expected to open the Lovington Youth Center June 2024 to provide a safe and enriched environment for our children with a 8 week summer program. Lovington is also please to announce that our Main Street reconstruction project is moving quickly and the city and citizens can soon enjoy the updated/reconstructed street that will include a bike lane, ADA-compliant sidewalks and landscaping. Our city wayfinding and downtown wayfinding signage is now complete. With the collaboration of Lovington MainStreet, the historic Lea Theater is in the process of a extensive overhaul. The neon marquee has been fully restored and is slated to open early Fall 2024. The City of Lovington has been working hard on Chapparal Park, by trimming trees and prepping the park for spring. Overall, the City of Lovington’s motto is Moving Forward and the city commissioners, city staff and citizens are committed to our vision.