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710 10th Street, Suite 200, Golden, CO 80401
Grant Received County Amount
Outdoor Equity Fund 2023 Bernalillo County $15,000
Outdoor Marketing Grant 2024 Grant County $20,000
Trails+ 2020 Hidalgo County $10,500
Trails+ 2021 Grant County $25,000
Trails+ 2022 Rio Arriba County $32,456.20
Trails+ 2023 Taos County $0
Total Grants Awarded $102,956.20

The Continental Divide Trail Coalition’s (CDTC) mission is to complete, promote, and protect the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail (CDT) by building a diverse Trail community, providing up-to-date information to the public, and encouraging stewardship of the Trail, its corridor, and surrounding landscapes. Our vision is to see that the CDT is a renowned and revered natural resource for people to connect with friends, family, and community, draw inspiration, and create outstanding personal and interpersonal experiences. We see the CDT as a world-class landscape that inspires pride, passion, respect, creativity, community, and perseverance, connecting landscapes, ecosystems, and communities along the spine of the continent.