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184 Misty Way, Dona Ana, NM 88007
Grant Received County Amount
Outdoor Equity Fund 2021 Dona Ana County $20,000
Outdoor Equity Fund 2022 Dona Ana County $15,000
Total Grants Awarded $35,000

1. Successfully led community nature walks with federal leaders including the U.S. Secretary of Interior. The youth identified an open space that was unused that could be converted into an accessible outdoor recreation space and identified the leaders who would be important to see this location to support its conversion. Youth and community led tours with US Senator Martin Heinrich, staff of Senator Lujan, and the US Secretary of Interior Deb Haaland. 2. Engaged youth in community in dialogue and mural projects regarding untold indigenous histories of the area. This included education around the pre-european indigenous footpaths that existed before the camino real and helped expand youth and community’s understanding of the indigenous peoples who lived and currently live in the area. 3. Successfully worked with the county and local flood commission to reevaluate a plan to create a flood pit adjacent to the village to include community input, which the youth and community will help design. Successfully applied and was awarded the Rivers Trails and Conservation Assistance Grant from the National Park Service, as a direct result of the outdoor equity organizing we were able to do as a part of this grant.