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915 20th Street, Silver City , NM 88061
Grant Received County Amount
Outdoor Equity Fund 2021 Grant County $9,000
Outdoor Equity Fund 2023 Grant County $5,000
Total Grants Awarded $14,000

Kids In Need of Supportive Services (KISS) provides therapeutic family services including child and parent groups, court ordered visitations and exchanges, individual and family therapy (in the home and at the office), and services that connect families to community resources. We also provide child care to families that are living on a low/fixed income. The afterschool program allows children to come into our care while their parent/parents work to provide for their child/children. We try as much as possible to take our children to activities around the county on a weekly basis. In the summer, we try to take them out twice a week. Here in Grant County, we have three lakes where we take the children to learn how to fish and then learn how to clean the fish then our staff cooks it for the children to eat. We also have the City of rocks where the children get to go explore the huge rocks that are six times their size, and get to walk around them and play with each other in a different outdoor element. We also have the Cliff Dwellings that we would like to take the children to soon. Almost every single one of our children rarely leave the city limits. Our goal is to show them how big our world is and to spend more time exploring the outdoors. With this grant, our hope is to keep taking the children to more places and let them explore our amazing outdoors.