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HC 81 Box 41 2 Cabresto Road, Questa, NM 87556
Grant Received County Amount
Outdoor Equity Fund 2021 Taos County $15,000
Outdoor Equity Fund 2022 Taos County $20,000
Outdoor Equity Fund 2023 Taos County $40,000
Total Grants Awarded $75,000

The mission of Localogy is to move people and communities from passive consumption to being active producers of local livelihoods and culture. Our community faces challenges that are multifaceted and pervasive. Resilient solutions are best achieved through a holistic systems approach. Since 2008, Localogy has served northern New Mexico as a cross-sector collaborative of charitable initiatives. By pooling administrative resources, Localogy empowers passionate individuals and groups to focus their efforts on creating the maximum programatic impact. Our projects coalesce organically, and are led by members of the communities they serve. These grassroots initiatives are responsive to emergent needs and are most efficient in delivering authentic solutions. Localogy’s familiarity with our local partners ensures close oversight of charitable funds while eliminating excess overhead. This sponsorship model opens communication between seemingly disparate charitable initiatives creating synergistic co-planning and collaboration between programs. Localogy sponsored programs include day camps, residential summer camps, public school programs, after school programs, living history, arts and cultural events, filmmaking, agricultural development / food sovereignty, economic development, health and wellness, substance abuse prevention, local journalism, affordable housing, workforce development, nutrition assistance, animal welfare and humane education, and indigenous watershed restoration. Each discreet initiative can seamlessly benefit, and benefit from, numerous other connected projects. Current active sponsorships include: Sangre de Cristo Youth Ranch Summer Camp, Vida Day Camp, LEAP, Questa Stories, Questa Farmers Market, Sala Reach, Casas Culturas Community Hub, Cultivo Agricultural Renewal, Questa Economic Development Fund–Good Works Program (Questa del Rio News), Vida del Norte Coalition (Active8), Santa’s Helpers, Questa Youth Sports, Questa Skate Park, Random Acts of Wellness, Food Forest Movement of Taos, Questa Fiestas, High Desert Hounds, and Sacred Water Mountain Society. The funding requested for Sangre de Cristo Youth Ranch and Vida Camp is highly leveraged with partnering programs both inside and outside of the Localogy sponsorship ecosystem. In 2022, Localogy extended our traditional fiscal sponsorship practice to include an innovative partnership with the Lor Foundation. Lor contracts with Localogy as a locally-focused fiscal sponsor. A local Lor grant officer scouts charitable projects and refers them to Localogy for sponsorship in receipt of a grant from the Lor foundation. This relationship has further proliferated and diversified our charitable work across the community.