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Soil and Water Conservation District
8636 Highway 55, Tajique, NM 87016
Grant Received County Amount
Trails+ 2021 Bernalillo County $25,000
Total Grants Awarded $25,000

The Land Grant-Merced Regional Outdoor Recreation Project is a collaboration of seven land grants (the Tajique, Chililí, Manzano, Town of Tomé, Torreón, Cañón de Carnué and San Antonio de las Huertas Land Grants) located around the Manzano and Sandia Mountains that seek to collectively create a land grant-merced youth conservation crew to work on several projects in seven land grants across four counties. The projects include trail creation and improvement (including trail improvements around a fishing lake, recreation and camping area, and community playground), creating and improving community parks and playgrounds, and building erosion controls at community centers and playgrounds and at a popular spiritual and pilgrimage site. Through partnership and collaboration with Ancestral Lands (nonprofit focused on developing indigenous youth conservation corps), the UNM Land Grant Studies Program, the NM Land Grant Council (state agency tasked with supporting land grants), and the Resource Center for Raza Planning at the UNM School of Architecture and Planning, we are confident that we can make significant improvements in each community increasing recreation opportunities and improving physical health. Outdoor recreation has always been an affordable way for people to benefit from fresh air and activity. The communities participating in this regional project are underserved populations with limited access to safe and functional recreation opportunities. Working collectively, each community will use the resources they have to make substantial improvements to their public spaces, providing them the opportunity to strengthen community and improve spaces where people can safely engage in outdoor recreation.