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624 Tijeras Avenue SW, Albuquerque, NM 87102
Grant Received County Amount
Outdoor Equity Fund 2021 Bernalillo County $20,000
Outdoor Equity Fund 2021 Bernalillo County $20,000
Outdoor Equity Fund 2023 Bernalillo County $40,000
Total Grants Awarded $80,000

T4B’s vision is, “Together for Brothers (T4B) envisions health and health equity for boys and young men of color (BYMOC) as well as their families and communities.” T4B’s mission is “Together for Brothers, led by community & love, partners across NM with boys & young men of color (BYMOC) & allies to build power, demand justice & create change.”T4B was co-founded by boys and young men of color (BYMOC) and adult allies in the community in 2015 with circles starting in August 2015. Seasonal “cohorts” of BYMOC were started in January 2016 and T4B has hosted seven years and twenty one seasonal cohorts of Winter (January-April), Summer (May-August) and Fall (September-December) including pivoting to school and community based cohorts in fall 2018 and later project based cohorts in summer 2019. In 2017-2018 T4B launched New Mexico’s first youth-led health impact assessment (HIA) to connect transportation and health equity for BYMOC identifying social determinants of access to education, employment and recreation as well as promoting healthy habits including exercise, healthy & local food and mental health. Five years of transit equity and mobility sovereignty organizing have led to Albuquerque being one of the largest cities in the country with free public transit. Also since 2019 T4B has been committed to outdoor access and equity for BYMOC and other most impacted communities with biking and park activation. And finally in 2020 T4B began the process of preparing to launch a food business and social enterprise connected to our cooking & food business project, as well as decolonizing diet and food justice, that includes a baking co-op for BYMOC to prepare, sell and distribute empanada kits. T4B 2024 goals include: building “developmental” (healthy and transformational) relationships between and among BYMOC and adults; building capacity of BYMOC and adults (including families especially mothers of BYMOC as well as bus riders, community partners and decision makers) as leaders and organizers focusing on seasonal cohorts, circles and activities; youth-led data collection, evaluation, outreach and planning; youth-led framework of racial and gender justice in all of T4B’s work; youth-led civic engagement and community organizing campaigns that build power, improve lives and shift relations of power; promoting individual and community health and healing justice; and building capacity and documenting stories, verbal or written, as well as using art and in language(s) of BYMOC. COVID has meant that since March 2020 almost all of our programming has pivoted online with some COVID-safe and outdoor activities in small groups when possible. We are hopeful with data in 2024 that we can see more in person outdoor and indoor activities