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County or Municipality
PO Box 7, Logan, NM 88426
Grant Received County Amount
Outdoor Marketing Grant 2024 Quay County $15,000
Trails+ 2023 Quay County $50,000
Total Grants Awarded $65,000

We call Logan, NM, The Best Little Village by a Dam Site. Over 1,100 people call Logan home in our multicultural community, and our little village started over 100 years ago when someone build a bridge over the Canadian River, and we really came to being in 1963 when Ute Dam was constructed, and Ute Lake came into being. Our town is 8 square miles, intersected by route 54 and NM State Road 540, and we get visits by the Union Pacific Railroad during the week. Our lake is nearly 13 miles long, sits at an elevation of 3,742 feet and offers camping, boating, fishing, picnicking, swimming, hiking, and wildlife viewing. Logan is a recreation destination for visitors from New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas seeing nearly 400,000 visitors a year. The Village by the damsite offers opportunities for the recreating visitors but also serves a a second home for many from surrounding states.